19000 votes The complete Limbaugh article
19000 votes The complete Limbaugh article
Proud Mary
Mary Matalin has been particularly good on CNN’s Crossfire this week, as she was leading up to election night. Now, as you know, there’s a continuing dispute over the 19,000 double punched ballots in Palm Beach County – a ballot that was designed and approved by Democrats.
What she had to say goes to the heart of this business, and reminds me of this talk about how nobody would vote for Buchanan in Palm Beach County. They say it’s not possible when you look at the demographic makeup of the people who live there, and then look at “what Buchanan stands for.”
Ladies and gentlemen, I live in Palm Beach County, and two years ago I attended a dinner there in honor of Patrick J. Buchanan. That dinner was attended by almost a thousand people. Now, this is anecdotal and isn’t intended to prove anything, but it shoots down these other silly stories that have no basis in scientific relevance – and that’s why I comment on Mary Matalin
There Are NOT 19,000 People Who Did Not Vote
Mary did some legwork on this ballot issue, and found that those 19,000 double-punched ballots were not the ballots of 19,000 people who were disenfranchised.
When you double punch a ballot, it’s disqualified. A ballot, which selects two candidates where only one is allowed to be chosen, is automatically disqualified. It’s not discrimination or anything else. It’s not new or specific to Palm Beach County.
It’s the law and has been for decades.
Regardless, Mary Matalin called a poll worker in Palm Beach County and guess what she learned? These disputed 19,000 ballots were discarded. They came from people who went on to recast their vote after having made a mistake – a mistake that was caught and corrected.
In other words, it’s not 19,000 people who double punched a ballot, turned it in, then had it discovered and thrown out. These are people who knew that they had made the mistake of double punching the ballot, requested a new ballot, and recast their vote.
They Re-Voted Already
This revelation puts an entirely different light on those 19,000 ballots, so why is it that Mary is the only one who has called this poll worker to questions about it? You know that the Democrats are not going to talk about this, because they’re treating election officials in Florida like morons, too. They’re making it sound like we need to send Jimmy Carter in to Florida to monitor elections as though it’s Nicaragua or Haiti or some other banana republic.
But a lot of these Florida officials are Democrats. The ballot was designed by a Democrat, and it’s the same one Jesse Jackson and Bill Daley vote with in Cook County, Illinois! At what point do these Florida Democrats get offended that their fellow Democrats are accusing them of rank incompetence? At what point do they say that many if not most of these 19,000 supposedly uncounted ballots were discarded after the people who double punched, realized the mistake, requested a new ballot and recast their votes?
Perhaps they never will admit this, but my guess is that Mary Matalin is going to keep digging into this story, and force the media to pick up on it. Way to go, Mary!
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