1st Amend About gun rights?????…… Thanks for showing your STUPIDITY!
AND you have been reported!
oh and uh, it’s the 1st Amend that gives you the right to show your stupidity
We’ll defend that one too, that is until some idiot comes along and takes away our means to defend it
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Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 07:24:34 -0600 (CST)
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected]
On Mon Dec 2 07:24:34 2002,
The following information was submitted:
name = Jowanna Blowme
address = Your House if Possiable
city = Lick my nuts
state = DE
zip = 99999
phone = Your ass
wphone = My ass’s
fax =
submit_by = [email protected]
sex = female
job =
used_gun = Yes it was fun.
comment = You people suck. Why do you care if people have guns. You need to quit trippen balls over other peoples rights. In the 1st ammendment it says we hve the right to bear arms.So if you have a problum with that why dont u go talk to the people who wrote the first ammendment. Oh wait you cant. SO why dont u listen to them and stop your ****.