4) CWP Training Classes Offered For Sept / October 2003

March 1st, 2012

WAGC advocates firearm safety and traing..

4) CWP Training Classes Offered For Sept / October 2003
Saturday November, 22nd Salem, SC (Up State West SC – Greenville Area)

Instructor: Richard Belmore

Course Includes: Concealed Weapons Permit.

The course will start at 7:30 and last for 9 hours on Saturday November, 22nd. The cost of the course is $60.00 for Non- GrassRoots Members and $60.00 for GrassRoots Members. If you are interested please contact Richard Belmore via e-mail [email protected] or by phone (864) 944-0425.

The driving directions to the course are as follows:

From Hwy 11 take Flat Shoals Road. Take second left on to Crestwood Drive. Turn right on to Belmore Farm Road. From Hwy 130 Take Crestwood Drive, turn Left on to Belmore Farm Road. Call or Email for more specific directions.


Saturday November, 29th Anderson, SC (Up State West SC – Greenville Area)

Instructor: David Rankin.

Course Includes: Concealed Weapons Permit.

The course will start at 8:30am and last for 8 hours on Saturday November, 29th. The cost of the course is $60 for Non- GrassRoots Members and $50 for GrassRoots Members. If you are interested please contact David Rankin via e-mail [email protected] or by phone (864) 225-6424.

The driving directions to the course are as follows:

From I-85 Exit 27(Hwy 81) to Anderson. Coming into Anderson on 81 turn right at the light (just past CVS) onto Bellview Road. At the next light turn right onto Lindele Road. At first Stop sign turn left onto Millgate Road. Location is 2410 Millgate on right across from church.


Saturday Decemeber, 6th Salem, SC (Up State West SC – Greenville Area)

Instructor: Richard Belmore

Course Includes: Concealed Weapons Permit.

The course will start at 7:30 and last for 9 hours on Saturday December, 6th. The cost of the course is $60.00 for Non- GrassRoots Members and $60.00 for GrassRoots Members. If you are interested please contact Richard Belmore via e-mail [email protected] or by phone (864) 944-0425.

The driving directions to the course are as follows:

From Hwy 11 take Flat Shoals Road. Take second left on to Crestwood Drive. Turn right on to Belmore Farm Road. From Hwy 130 Take Crestwood Drive, turn Left on to Belmore Farm Road. Call or Email for more specific directions.


Saturday December, 13th Anderson, SC (Up State West SC – Greenville Area)

Instructor: David Rankin.

Course Includes: Concealed Weapons Permit.

The course will start at 8:30am and last for 8 hours on Saturday December, 13th. The cost of the course is $60 for Non- GrassRoots Members and $50 for GrassRoots Members. If you are interested please contact David Rankin via e-mail [email protected] or by phone (864) 225-6424.

The driving directions to the course are as follows:

From I-85 Exit 27(Hwy 81) to Anderson. Coming into Anderson on 81 turn right at the light (just past CVS) onto Bellview Road. At the next light turn right onto Lindele Road. At first Stop sign turn left onto Millgate Road. Location is 2410 Millgate on right across from church.



If you are an instructor member of GrassRoots and you would like to have your classes listed here please list go to http://www.scfirearms.org/Training/CWP/cwpClassAds.htm. We will no longer scan the bulletin board for upcoming training classes. If you are not a instructor member of GrassRoots Join Online Today