Things Not Exactly the Way Hardcore Wrote

March 1st, 2012

Hardcore wrote:

> there are two cities that basically ban the
> ownership of handguns.

All handguns in Chicago must be registered, and no new handguns can be registered after 1982. In effect, if you didn’t live in Chicago back in 1982 and register your handguns at that time, Chicago has a total ban on the ownership of handguns.

Same is true for Washington, D.C., only the registration cutoff date was 1977.

If you move into either city, you cannot bring handguns into the city.

Morton Grove and Evanston, Illinois have complete and total outright bans on the private ownership of handguns. IIRC, there are other Chi-town burbs with an outright ban.

While NYC does not ban the ownership of handguns, the net effect is that of a tax so substantial that only the wealthy and politically well connected can own a gun, much less carry one. NYPD have gone kicking doors in search of rifles and shotguns (that were legally registered back in the 60s under Mayor John Lindsay) but subsequent legislation banned said guns. After registration, NJ and CA have banned certain guns, period. To date I don’t know whether they’ve begun kicking down doors. Those who claim no connection between registration and confiscation are either deluded or lying.

There are numerous examples in many locations at many different levels where an attempt has been made to ban guns altogether. It IS the expressed goal of many, many elected leaders. When Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was Mayor of San Francisco circa 1982, she attempted to enact an outright ban on privately owned handguns. In a 60 Minutes interviewed, she has expressed that as her ultimate goal — a complete and total ban on every single privately owned handgun, rifle and shotgun. Period. No exceptions. President Bill Clinton was quoted in the Baltimore Sun (circa 1993-1994) saying he sought, at some time in the future, a complete and total ban on all privately owned handguns.

Congressman Major Owens (D-NY) while a staunch opponent of gunowners seems to at least implicitly acknowledge the Second Amendment IS an individual right. Of the peer reviewed articles in law journals published since about 1980, the overwhelming majority agree.

The late Senator John Chafee (R-RI) proposed federal legislation to permit a 6-month period for the surrendering of ALL handguns, then send the police to kick down doors. The Civil War was sometimes referred to as “Mister Lincoln’s war”. I wonder, if Chafee had gotten his way, would there be remembrance of “Mister Chafee’s war”.

At the rate California has been “registering” guns one year and banning them the next, I suspect they’ll be the next to go for an outright ban on handguns. Suits me. Get some more guns and gunowners outta CA and into OR, WA, ID and NV. That would be a good thing, IMHO. Of course Buckey Trotter and Peter Franchot in the Maryland Legislature just may beat ‘em to it.

On a positive note, cops I’ve shot with at the range and in training have told me “If they tell me to go kick doors and collect guns, I’ll probably have the flu that day. I shoot with you guys in IPSC, IDPA, etc. I ain’t f***ing coming in your houses to collect guns.”