it’s Time to Challenge these LIES!
> >”More than 200 million guns are in circulation in the US today,” he
> >said. “Between one third and one half of all households own at least
> >one. Every day in the US an average of 87 people, 12 of them
> >children, die as a result of gun wounds, a figure which is rapidly
> >approaching the rate of deaths through car accidents.”
It’s time to challenge these lies: The Numbers the left uses come from
HCI and count every person under 24 as a “Child”. The real numbers can
be obtained at the new site provided by CDC and show a daily rate of
less than half of what the left/clintonite/ant-gun voodoo bigots claim.
That site is at:
The site is also adjustable to varying factors that you may consider.
Use it to refute these lies when you see them. Use it to correct the
press via editiorial communications and letters to the press. Your tax
dollars paid for this source…use it.