A great letter to SW

March 1st, 2012

Dear Sir:

Since Smith and Wesson is now considered to be a British company, I have
some questions regardling your recent arrangement with the Clinton

If you were a British company back in 1939, might anyone wonder how you
would have stood up to the threats of Adolph Hitler? Well, we really don’t
have to wonder, do we? You’ve made the answer crystal clear.

We, the sons and daughters of the heros who came to your assistance the
last time the Nazis threatened Britain, won’t forget the lack of resolve
you’ve shown in the face of the new Nazi threat. Some people never learn.
You obviously haven’t. We have. We’ve learned that some low life scum
value money and power more than honor and loyalty, and will take any
cowardly action possible just to save their skins.

My friends and I only purchase from companies we respect. Guess where that
leaves Smith and Wesson. Do not underestimate the length of our memories.

Have a nice day.

An Ex-customer