Thank you, S&W…..

March 1st, 2012

Thank you, Smith and Wesson for signing onto President Gun-Grabber’s new
anti-gun, anti-law abiding citizen… ANTI AMERICAN Legislation. Thank you
for deceiving, and selling out those that support you. Thank you for signing
on with the socialist, pro-criminal, anti-self defense people that are
looking to destroy the freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. I
hope your founders, Horace Smith, and Dan Wesson, are turning in their
graves. Your company no longer desrves to wear their names. I have sold off
my last S&W piece, and I will no longer make purchases of any items sold by
or wearing the name of your company. I will support you, like you supported
us, the law abiding, freedom loving, Constitution loving citizens of this
nation. I hope you lose many, many dollars in sales, and I hope that others
like me show support to those companies that have the same American values
and beliefs that I do. Thank you for nothing.