A great letter of action, and a wonderful reply.

March 1st, 2012

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Hi Group!

A great letter of action, and a wonderful reply.

Thanks Bruce.

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Clint, I just got this back from one of the school teachers I had mailed
the article to about the 12 year old in Michigan.

Subj: Re: This is scary
Date: 00-03-31 00:07:53 EST
From: MIturbo
To: Nmc490
It is a friggin’ shame that the people mentioned in the article can be
called EDUCATORS. Being a teacher of eighth graders, I am happy to report that
my technology class does a cooperative project with a history teacher about
the constitution. Students pick an amendment, research it with respect to current issues, and create a multimedia presentation to state what they
have learned and defend their position. I am very happy to say that many of the presentations were about the 2nd Amendment and at least half or those were very pro-gun even after all the school shootings we have had. I supply copies of the book, Guns, Crime, and Freedom for students to look through and alert them to the NRAILA web site and other Internet resources like Gary Kleck’s research. Fortunately, the students are allowed to form their own opinions and stick by them, no matter which side of the issue they are on. It is a black mark against our profession when teachers abuse their
position in the way described in the article you sent me. I am proud to display
the NRA sticker on my classroom door and have done so for many years.

I need to personally thank you for the job you a too few others like
you are doing. Thank you very much.
Unfortunately you and your peers are far out numbered by the liberal
pinkos who are brain washing the kids just as the major media brain washes the adults. The only hope I hold is that I will not live to be a hundred and twenty.

Thanks again,
