Nosey Doctors!
From another list…. notice the answer from a pro gun Doctor…..
<< Re: [GOA-Texas] It has started.
A caller called Limbaugh today.
She took her small child to the pediatrician. The pediatrician asked if
there were guns in the house and if they were locked up. The mother answered
that they were. The doctor said the child had to answer. The child gave the
same answer. Then the doctor asked him if the bullets were with the guns.
This was something new to the child. It never occurred to him that guns
needed bullets to shoot. The mother said that she has this busybody Doctor
to thank for informing her child about the operation of firearms. She said
her small child is probably going to look all over the house for the, well
hidden bullets.
Weren’t children taught to inform on their parents in Communist Russia, and
Nazi Germany? >>
That mother should report that pediatrician to his state board immediately.
She should write a letter to the editor of her local newspaper about the
incident immediately. She should file a lawsuit against the doctor and the
HMO he works for –he obviously doesn’t work for her or her child– for his
meddling in her home affairs with NO SCIENTIFIC evidence that his inquiry
will help make her home safer and NO GUARANTEE that his questions and
meddling are following the first dictum of medical practice : primum non
nocere (first, do no harm). In fact, because scientific data does
demonstrate that children reared in households where there are firearms and
instruction in firearm safety are much less likely to be involved in gun
related violence, then she may have a case that his meddling could cause MORE
likelihood of harm to her child IF the good doctor was suggesting that the
gun should be removed from the home (the story doesn’t point out if that was
the doctor’s motive or not).
Remember: these pediatricians –many of whom know nothing about firearms
except what they are told by their liberal-dominated professional
organizations– are being told to make these inquiries.
In my view, if a doctor is going to involve himself in such issues, he should
prove that he or she has studied both sides of the issues and that he or she
is thoroughly convinced that scientific data support his activities. He or
she will NOT be able to do it because there is no data suggesting that
gunless homes are safer homes. Requiring these doctors to actually look for
and at the data will put a screeching halt to this intrusive behavior and may
make them demand more accountability from their professional organizations
(fat chance, but worth a try).
W. Rogers, MD
Tyler, TX