A good response letter to AAP…

March 1st, 2012

My response:

The Editors
The Miami Herald

I note that the American Academy of Pediatrics has called for a
removal of firearms from all homes as a way to reduce gun related
injuries and deaths among teenagers. I cannot help but wonder how
they could issue that statement and not call for the removal of dogs
from the home as well.

According to the most recent statistics, dog bites are responsible
for more than one million deaths and serious injuries to children
every year. Surely these pediatricians treat significantly more dog
bites than gunshot wounds. Yet, not a word on dogs in the home. Not
even a cautionary memo.

It has to give one pause to wonder if they are truly interested in
the welfare of our youth, or merely passing along the popular
political polemic of the day.



“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”


