More on Pediatrics and guns

March 1st, 2012

From another list…….

Good first step.

NOW…Send a certified letter to the doctor, his clinic, and whatever insurance
company you were dealing with
concerning this doctor cum political activist mentioning the occurance of this

Send a copy of this letter to BOMEX which is the state governing board.

Make this ****ing ******* pay for his politics. He is not permitted to violate
the patient-doctor relationship
by inserting political tomes into his examination. Remember, the doctor writes
this stuff down. These records
are available to government agencies on a whim. I know, I work for health
departments for fifteen years.

Lastly, the doctor’s phone numbers should be posted to as many lists as
possible. As well, tell your friends in
your shooting circle or your gun club.

Let him know that he will not go unpunished for his intrusions.


Bernie Oliver wrote:

> Lest you think that this isn’t coming to a neighborhood near you:
> One of Brassroots, Inc. members called me this morning to let me know
> that his kids were questioned by their pediatrician. Guess what the Dr.
> wanted to know.
> He told me that he has appropriately trained his children to tell them,
> “That’s none of your business.”
> Good man!
> Bernie