Murder BY Gun Control

March 1st, 2012

> Every man, woman and student in America should be required to read this
> by L. Neil Smith <mailto:[email protected]>
> Special to TLE
> Why is everybody being so damned polite?
> No sane individual living in the last days of the 20th century would
> knowingly welcome Nazis, the KGB, the Khmer Rouge, the ATF, or the
> FBI into their homes. We’ve learned too much from what happened to
> Jews in Germany, Kulaks in Russia, “landlords” in China, everybody in
> Cambodia, and victims of state terrorism at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
> But let the Jackbooted Thugs’ Ladies’ Auxiliary slap on makeup and
> broomstick skirts, let them prattle in squeaky little girl voices and
> breathe their vegetarian breath all over us, and for some reason we
> think we have to ask them in and offer them chamomile tea.
> Well, to hell with that. I used to give a lecture at the local
> university that began like this: “Until this morning you could plead
> ignorance for positions you take or fail to take on the moral and
> political issues of the day. When you leave this classroom an hour
> from now, having heard the facts I’m about to present, it’ll either
> be as a brand new libertarian, or as a fully self-aware fascist
> monster.”
> Today I say the same to politicians, bureaucrats, cops, Handgun
> Control, Inc., Colorado Governor Bill Owens, and those so miserably
> lacking in originality that they had to plagiarize Louis Farrakan (of
> all people) and launch a “Million Moms March”. Also, anybody else who
> thinks it’s morally acceptable to use the hired guns of government to
> take everybody else’s guns away.
> Gun control may have felt like a nice, warm, fuzzy idea to its
> advocates back in the 1960s. However today, owing to a great deal of
> serious legal and historical scholarship — and a series of
> horrifying but highly educational events — anyone who wishes to
> violate the fundamental covenant on which this nation is based, by
> attempting to outlaw personal weapons, has to get past three
> extremely inconvenient but absolutely incontrovertible facts.
> (1) Every year, in this nation of more than a quarter billion
> individuals, a few thousand (three quarters of them suicides) are
> killed with firearms, while _millions_ of Americans successfully
> use personal weapons to save themselves and others from injury or
> death. Guns save many, many times more lives than they take.
> (2) In every jurisdiction that has made it even microscopically
> easier for individuals to carry weapons, violent crime rates have
> plummeted by double-digit percentages. Vermont, where no permission
> of any kind is required to carry a gun, is named in many respectable
> surveys as the safest state to live in.
> (3) More telling and urgent, every episode of genocidal mass murder
> in history has been preceded by a period of intense disarming of the
> civil population, usually with “public safety” or “national security”
> as an excuse. According to Amnesty International — hardly a gang of
> right wing crazies — in the 20th century alone (in events entirely
> separate from war), governments have slaughtered more than a hundred
> million people, usually their own citizens.
> The U.S. is far from immune. Look up “Operation Keelhaul”.
> Clearly, if those millions had been armed, they couldn’t have been
> murdered by their own governments. And if the governments hadn’t
> known where all the weapons were and who possessed them, the people
> couldn’t have been disarmed. It follows, then, that no amount of gun
> control — especially “soft” measures like registering guns or gun
> owners — is reasonable or safe. Those who tremble at the idea of
> personal weapons — “hoplophobes” is the diagnostic term — are fond
> of saying that guns are made for only one purpose. Well, gun control
> serves only one purpose, too — the incapacitation and extermination
> of whole peoples.
> That’s why we call it by its right name: “victim disarmament”.
> If you think it can’t happen here, ask Donald Scott (look him up,
> too). Ask Vicky and Sammy Weaver. Ask 82 innocent men, women, and
> children (two dozen beautiful, harmless, helpless little children)
> from the Seventh Day Adventist church at Mount Carmel near Waco,
> Texas. Oops, you _can’t_ ask them, can you? Because they’re all
> _dead_ — murdered in cold blood by government terrorists who
> have yet to be brought to justice.
> Let’s ask some questions that everybody on my side’s been too polite
> — too damned polite — to ask before.
> What kind of mind would sacrifice millions for the sake of a few
> thousands, especially when it’s been demonstrated beyond a shadow of
> a doubt that victim disarmament can’t save even those thousands?
> What kind of mind wants a return to mean streets and ever-soaring
> crime rates?
> What kind of mind collaborates with agents of mass murder and
> genocide?
> Make no mistake: you victim disarmament types are sick, sick people,
> in the words of T.D. Melrose, who’d rather see a woman raped in an
> alley and strangled with her own pantyhose than see her with a gun in
> her hand.
> You’re people, down deep in your blackened, shriveled souls, who wait
> like vultures, secretly delighted whenever atrocities like the
> Columbine shootings occur — atrocities whose only significance to
> you is their usefulness in advancing your political agenda. Dancing
> in the blood of innocents, just like the lying, thieving, murdering
> rapist you’ve sent to the White House twice in a row.
> You’re people who, like German voters in the 1930s, have empowered
> and unleashed on your decent and unsuspecting neighbors the most evil
> and violent terrorist bureaucracy in American history.
> You’re people, in short, who must be stupid, insane, or evil to
> continue arguing — in the face of indisputable facts and irrefutable
> logic — that others must be forced into a state of helplessness and
> victimized by individual criminals or the state.
> Stupid, insane, or evil.
> You are morally responsible for what happened at Waco. It was
> undertaken (bad choice of words, probably) by your favorite agency,
> the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, at your behest, in your
> name, in pursuance of the policies you’ve always advocated. The blood
> of those babies, of their mommies and daddies, is on your head. You
> did it. You killed them as surely as if it were your hands at the
> controls of those tanks.
> Stupid, insane, or evil.
> Harsh words, but what’s the point in being polite to advocates of
> mass murder and genocide? Those are the alernatives: stupid, insane,
> or evil. Smart people, sane people, good people know, in the words of
> Robert A. Heinlein, that “An armed society is a polite society.”
> If you were interested in saving lives — even one life — you’d join
> me in demanding that the Bill of Rights be stringently enforced, that
> the 25,000 gun laws on he books (each and every one illegal, each and
> every one responsible for the injury or death of countless
> individuals) be repealed, nullified, or otherwise disposed of.
> Immediately.
> For the children.
> You’d agree that, as long as we permit the public school system to
> continue to exist, it has an obligation to instruct children,
> starting in kindergarten, in the safe and effective use of firearms.
> Allow me to repeat that: “safe and effective use”.
> Emphasis on “effective”.
> Now don’t go all soft and skooshy on me. I can see the razor wire and
> bayonets behind your New Age gobbledegook. I can hear the tramp,
> tramp, tramp as you goose-step to the Horst Wessel Song. I can smell
> the first faint traces of gas seeping from your chambers of death.
> Let’s make it clear for the dimmest bulbs among you: the kids at
> Columbine High didn’t die from too many guns, they died from too few.
> I’m not suggesting that the teachers should have carried guns — not
> as franchised agents of the state. They should have carried guns as
> ordinary individuals, exercising a sacred right, and in performance
> of a solemn duty to protect the young lives that were placed — very
> foolishly, as it turned out — in their hands.
> What’s more, those young lives needed weapons, too. Instead, they
> were forbidden the means of self-defense — even, in effct, the
> _knowledge_ of self-defense — and like millions of victims
> before them, their numbers were added to the ongoing Gun Control
> Holocaust.
> And you killed them.
> Stupid, insane, or evil.
> You killed them all.
> How many more helpless individuals will have to die for you — be
> sacrificed on the altar of your nice, warm, fuzzy idea — before you
> see what you’ve done? Don Kates, Gary Kleck, Sandford Levinson, John
> Lott, all were card-carrying liberal college professors who somehow
> forced themselves to look at the facts instead of the lint in their
> bellybuttons. All (and others) have reached the conclusion that the
> Second Amendment says exactly what we “gun nuts” always claimed it
> did, and that society is better off if its members have personal
> weapons handy. “More Guns, Less Crime” is how Lott puts it.
> “Million Moms March”, indeed. When you came to my town of 100,000,
> all you could attract was four deluded idiots. There were _16
> times_ that number out in the parking lot, picketing your meeting!
> Measly, Miniscule March.
> Stupid, insane, or evil. Those are the choices. Be honest. Call
> yourselves “Mush Minded Morons” if you decide that stupid is the
> least intolerable of the options available. If you choose insane, how
> about “Mentally Mangled Messes”? If you want to go straight to evil,
> “Mass Murdering Monsters”. They’re alliterative as hell, and
> truthful.
> Stupid, insane, or evil. Like it or not, after today, those three
> words are going to start hanging around your necks like the fabled
> rotting albatross until, no matter where you go, no matter what you
> try to say, the first association your presence calls up in people’s
> minds will be “mass murdering genocides”.
> Stupid, insane, or evil.
> Or all of the above.
> Your choice.
> – - -
> L. Neil Smith is publisher of _The Libertarian Enterprise_ and author
> of 24 books including _The Probability Broach_, _The Lando Calrissian
> Adventures_, _Forge of the Elders_ (forthcoming in April, 2000) and
> _The Mitzvah_, with JPFO founder and excutive director Aaron Zelman,
> available at
> –
> John Hurd – Owosso,MI
> _____________________________________________________
> Ted Nugent United Sportsmen of America – Area B
> And
> Livingston “A” Gun Club
> 2000 Combat Handgun Shoot
> Details on my WEB site, URL above.