Character doesn’t matter?
In Washington, in the highest office in the land character doesn’t matter. It seems that it doesn’t matter in the gun control question either. I’ve asked repeatedly what gun haters hope to gain by passing new laws (laws that they know won’t control crime)and I haven’t been answered yet. They’d rather claim something is “tastless” or “tacky” than admit that their aims have nothing to do with crime. They’d rather see you as a victim, dependant upon the police, than as a free citizen.
Gun control doesn’t control crime and it never will. I’ve seen it on the street and seen it in the jails. I’ve seen illegal guns wind up in criminal hands over and over again and watched unarmed citizens victimized because they are taught that guns are bad and going armed is dangerous. It is! It’s real dangerous to those who would victimize the wearer.
I’ve watched prisoners in a county jail discuss ways to disarm police officers they see on TV shows (I even listened in as one inmate taught another how to defeat Safariland security holsters and kill a policemen)and listened to them laugh when they hear of new laws. You want to get a felons attention? Start talking about adding jail time for using a gun! New laws are just something else that can be plea bargained away by lawyers.
You can’t tell me that passing another law will work…I know better. You’re a liar or a fool and there’s no middle ground, yet you try to hand the American public more gun control. When a new atrocity occurs, you blame the NRA but we know that the real fault lies with the bill of goods you sold us on crime control. If something meaningful had been done (like enforcing existing laws)lives might be saved, but since that’s not your aim it doesn’t happen.
Character? You have none…