An excellent idea!

March 1st, 2012

I missed this post from Carrie a few days ago…

So, now my concealed carry permit will be good in every state in the union, just like my drivers license? And we can get rid of those “junk gun bans” and automatic weapons bans – because we don’t restrict people from driving a pinto or a lexus……and those lawsuits will have to stop – I don’t see anyone suing GM because some loser got drunk and killed some family in his car (which was registered to him). Ok, Million Moms, is that what you are wanting? Let’s be real, shall we? Get over the emotional overload and use some logic.

All true, Carrie. Well thought out but it doesn’t go far enough: All students in the local High School have to take drivers education courses don’t they? Well, what’s wrong with gun safety courses? A student who doesn’t know how to safely handle a firearm won’t graduate from grade school to the next level. It will certainly save more lives than those foolish trigger locks!