Hillary Delegates Spit on Police Honor Guard

March 1st, 2012

Member’s of the Albany Police Department’s Honor Guard were harassed and spit on by delegates to the New York State Democratic convention that nominated Hillary Clinton for U.S. Senate Tuesday night. The Albany Times Union reported Thursday.

Police Honor Guard officers in full-dress uniform were carrying the American flag as they entered the Pepsi Arena at 5:45 pm, in front of the members of the Albany Police Department’s Pipes and Bags band.

“The five-member honor guard, which is made up of Albany police officers, told authorities that some people in the crowd of 11,500 Democratic supporters called them ‘Nazis’ and members of(New York City Mayor Rudolph) Giulani’s ‘Third Reich’,” reported the paper.

“The (spitting and heckling) incidents allegedly took place on the floor of the arena, where only delegattes carrying passes were allowed access, officials said.”

“We are very upset,” Albany Police Officers Union President Thomad McGraw told the Times Union. “The honor guard was asked to act as ambassaadors to the town of Albany. They were invited guests and they volunteered their time.”

Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings called the incident “reprehensible”.
