THIS is why I carry a gun!

March 1st, 2012

Ok, everybody. We’ve had the debate raging here forever. Now I have a story for you.

I am currently having a slumber party at my house (small party, 3 girls). Shortly after the first one arrived, they were in the fenced back yard with the dogs when the dogs started barking and the girls swore that they saw a man in the fresh clear-cut next to our house. I immediately sent the girls inside, grabbed the boyfriend’s Colt 1911 (some of you have heard me discuss it here before), and went to have a look. Now, I didn’t see anyone in particular, but I did see movement and it wasn’t the right size for any of the normal wildlife we have out here. Were I to call our local police, as well-meaning as they are, it would take them a MINIMUM of a 1/2 hour to get here, and that’s if they head right out. I live a ways from town, out here in the booney-hicks.

But I can protect myself and these girls. Why? Because the gun grabbers haven’t taken MY GUN yet.

Ok, let’s be honest. If there was someone out there, he was probably collecting firewood in the clear-cut and no threat. But what if he was a threat? If the antis had their way, we’d be sitting ducks here.

So, antis, tell me this. Is it worth it to you to take away the protection I have tonight? Would you rather see us slaughtered than protected by my .45 auto?

Ok, gotta run. Can’t leave 3 girls alone for long… make-up supply can’t take it!