The actua number for SAS was 0ver 5000 – 5700 ti be exact! One of the most powerful things that Rep Hupp said was this: Legislatures and Bill Clinton, Be forewarned…. I will NOT liscense or register my fireams!”)
Second Amendment Sisters: Never Be Victims Again!
(an exclusive report on the S.A.S Rally in D.C.)
By Nancy Johnson – Sierra Times Field Correspondent – Poster 05.14.00
State Rep Suzanna Gratia Hupp
Parents Killed in 1991 due to Texas Gun Laws
So, you want to see me naked?
WASHINGTON – In a sea of red white, and blue, the Second Amendment Sisters
rally proved that it didn’t need over $2 million in sponsorships to be a
success. An estimated 3000 people from as far away as Las Vegas Nevada
poured onto the Monument Grounds Sunday to show support for gun rights.
And they provided their own transportation.
Among those present were the Libertarian Party, JudicalWatch, the Free
Republic, and various other correct thinking organizations. The most
powerful speaker was State Representative Suzanne Hupp (R-TX). Hupp lost
both parents several years ago due to Texas conceal carry gun laws. She has
since been on a mission to insure that women “never become victims again.”
Suzanna Hupp is recognized worldwide as one of the leading advocates for an
individual’s right to carry a concealed weapon. In 1991, after leaving her
gun in her car in order to comply with the law, Suzanna watched helplessly
as both of her parents, along with 21 others were gunned down in a mass
shooting at a local restaurant. As a survivor of this tragedy, her
impassioned calls for the right of citizens to self-defense have thrust her
into the national debate on the right to keep and bear arms. Since the
Killeen massacre, she has testified numerous times across the country for
the restoration of the Second Amendment.
The final speaker was the son of a Holocaust Survivor who descried how his
father watched the Nazis shoot some of his family members during the Second
World War. He then told the crowd how his father shot several of the Nazis
with a gun he was hiding so the rest of his family could escape.
This is in contrast to what was found at the other side of the Capital Mall.
Numbers of famous speakers, many of whom have armed bodyguards, preaching to
a small audience (and to those who would listen via other means) why the
crowd they were addressing should become potential victims like Suzanna Hupp
‘s parents.
At estimated 40,000 people attended the other event. SierraTimes predicts
the reader will hear more inflated numbers by evening, but this is based on
the observations of experts who have attended Washington, D.C. rallies for
over 30 years.
That’s about 110,000 less than even the Los Angeles Times’ low-ball
For traffic, it was a normal Sunday afternoon. The hundreds of vendors for
the left-wing-extremist, “million” (40,000) Mom March sat bored from lack of
sales – from the most part due to lack of attendance. “They really oversold
this thing,” said one unnamed vendor. Several vendors and others who
attended the state-sponsored event later moved over to the pro-gun side.
Another vendor who sold Washington souvenirs noted that business was better
on the pro-gun side. “The people over here (the second amendment side)
seemed more patriotic, and will to purchase more items that show pride in
the country and it’s history,” the unnamed vendor said.
This vendor wished to remain anonymous for security reasons. “I have to work
in this town after they leave. If word gets out that I’m kinda siding with
the Second Amendment Sisters, it might be hard to renew my vendor’s
The vendor did state that he did not want to be a victim either, especially
after seeing the infamous Elian photo recently.
Sierra Times has learned that most in attendance at the left-wing-extremist
rally were bussed in from synagogues around the Capital area, the Pentagon
and other government agencies. In short, they were ordered to be there by
their employers and/or local “religious leaders.” A quick poll of the crowd
by SierraTimes and associates showed that about 85% of the crowd was local.
Most of the rest were tourists.
One man said, “I just came here to see the Hollywood stars, but now I’m off
to the Smithsonian.”
At the conclusion of the Second Amendment Sister’s rally, the protest was
taken directly to the extremists on the other side. Over 3000 people marched
around them shouting “Gun saves lives,!!” “You’ll have to kill us all!!” and
“We’re not giving up our guns!!” This was accompanied by bagpipes, and fyfe
& drums.
Sierra Times will provide more coverage of this event as it develops. Photos
from this rally are forthcoming. Stay tuned…