Paris Texas

March 1st, 2012

I watched a MSNBC program last night (in spite of my step-daughters desire to have a meaningful relationship with MTV) and saw how a police officer in Paris Texas was shot through the windshield of his Crown Vic…the killer then approached to the drivers side window and fired the remainder of the six rounds into the patrolmans body. The officer was of course killed…12 years later the killer is still sitting in the Ellis unit in Huntsville.

Idiots constantly talk about new gun laws and “common sense” restrictions, but we can’t even punish confessed killers in a timely fashion. The criminal of today knows that nothing meaningful is going to be done for punishment, so with no ramifications he has no incentive NOT to commit these acts! When liberals actually make an attempt to impact the situation…then maybe I’ll allow them to talk to me of resticting guns. Until then I have no use for them…