by Jim Houck, COA Creative Consultant
Lately I’ve read and heard a lot of complaints by the pro-firearms
ownership/pro-freedom Americans, insisting that the media is failing to
document the vast benefits of private firearms ownership, from the ability
to keep a government in line to self defense and home protection. This is
not accurate.
Every time the media does one of their circus blitz jobs on a criminal
attack, such as the one in Columbine High School or the recent zoo shooting
in our very dangerous national capital, they are loudly trumpeting the folly
and very real world dangers of gun control. And make no mistake, it is just
that, “gun control.” Recently our impeached, lying and dishonored
President, William Jefferson Clinton, (a man who uses women as ash trays)
has switched his terminology to “gun safety” because the proper term, “gun
control” is far too accurate and makes his disarmament charge more
difficult. “Gun safety” creates a more defensible position for the
anti-freedom zealots to wield their filth from.
But I digress, the topic of this article is to make free Americans aware
that our press is actually doing a terrific job of reporting on the deadly
consequences of gun control. In Washington, gun control laws are about as
strict as they can get, with outright bans. Did they prevent the criminal
attack at the zoo? No. The laws were broken, just like in Columbine High
School. Murder laws were broken, assault laws were broken, firearms laws
were broken, all the laws were broken, because the criminals had criminal
intent and didn’t give a damn about a local ordinance. Why? They had no
immediate repercussions to fear. Would the same cowardly criminals who
broke the laws against murder in Columbine have tried their stunt at a
United States Marine Corps base? No. Would they have tried it at the local
State Troopers barracks? No. Would they have tried it against a group of
deer hunters? Would they have tried it if they had known that several of
the teachers wear .45′s under their sport jackets? The answer is a
resounding “hell no.” Why do gangbangers run when the cops show up? Why do
murderers and rapists run from police? I’ll tell you why- immediate and
dire consequences. Why does a lion run from an elephant? Immediate and
dire consequences, that’s why. If California Senator Dianne Feinstein,
author of the very poorly written and dangerous “assault” weapons ban, which
banned militia rifles, were in her home and heard the front window break,
who is the first person Senator Feinstein would call? The ambulance? No.
The window repair man? No. Senator Feinstein would call men with guns.
The reality is, our media is doing a wonderful job of showing Americans how
dangerous and stupid firearms bans really are.
I myself have seen Senator Feinstein’s gun control in its most perfect form,
total disarmament of the good guys, in a theater in Torrance, where an armed
coward punk shot two other people, while all the local Californians,
disarmed by their own “representatives” ran around like idiots, totally
defenseless. The police arrived fifteen minutes later, after they plowed
through LA traffic. Fire and rescue got there about five minutes after
the cops. Of course the bad guy, armed and mocking the entire charade of
“gun control” was long gone.
And if you think what happened in Washington was bad, give a moment to
contemplate the literal mountains of carnage world governments have
generated when large populations were disarmed. Then the random killer is
absorbed easily and seen as a small mosquito in comparison to rolling death
machines like the Japanese invaders of World War II or the Nazi barbarians.
Violent crime is down in areas with less gun control, like Florida and
Virginia. Places like our nation’s capital, where gun control zealots like
impeached President Clinton live (who, by the way, utilizes his 2nd
Amendment right 24-7 for both home and self defense), where gun control laws
are rampant? Assault. Rape. Murder. No thanks.
Our media is doing a spectacular job of exposing the stupidity of gun
control. We just need to see it for what it is and cheer them on.
I would like to see every criminal act carried out with a firearm, covered
as well as the Columbine High School murders were covered. Because it
hammers the grisly point into the heads of all of everyone who believes the
lie, the lion runs from the elephant, but the lion kills, rips to pieces and
eats the rabbit.
Thank you to the American media, for exposing the lie of gun control with
such vigor and unspotted determination.
Jim Houck, armed American, free man
Founder, Citizens of America
Creative Coordinator, Citizens of America