Giuliani: Arrest Hillary’s Delegates for ‘Assault’ on Police
Giuliani: Arrest Hillary’s Delegates for ‘Assault’ on Police
Published: 5-26-00
Author: Carl Limbacher and Staff
New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani called on Senate candidate Hillary Clinton to apologize to members of an Albany Police honor guard who were heckled and spit on at her May 16th nominating convention, saying the perpetrators had committed an “assault” and should be arrested.
In his first comments on the spitting confrontation since it was reported last week, Giuliani told
“The calling of names is reprehensible and there should be an apology for that by the candidate and by the Democratic Party. The actual spitting should result in an arrest.”
The Democratic delegates reportedly taunted the American flag-carrying police officers, calling them “Nazis” and “Giuliani’s Third Reich.”
The mayor continued:
“I mean, spitting is an assault. I think it is. I remember my criminal law pretty well and tort law pretty well. If you spit at somebody and make contact with them, I think it’s at least a misdemeanor of some kind.”
The mayor, who dropped out of the Senate race against Mrs. Clinton exactly a week ago, called for the arrests and the apology on his regular Friday morning WABC radio show.
The day before his withdrawal, a report of the attack on the cops by delegates to Mrs. Clinton’s convention appeared in the local section of The Albany Times Union. picked up the story hours later, giving it national exposure. In New York City, only The New York Post has covered the ugly episode.
Giuliani, an ardent defender of police, seemed highly offended by the spitting attack and added:
“(The spitting assault) should have resulted technically and equitably in an arrest and at least some form of a fine or ticket. And if the persons can be indentified on tape, there’s no reason why it can’t happen right now.
“It seems to me that Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative convention, whatever — you spit on somebody in a situation like that, where you’re seeking to disgrace them or I don’t know what the heck they were seeking to do, there should be consequences for that.
“And there’s no question that the Democratic Party and Mrs. Clinton should apologize for that.”