Tasteless and Tacky
I’ve been called a lot of names in my life. Some are pretty accurate, some are not so accurate.
I’ve been called an a**hole and actually I have to agree! Tasteless and tacky? Certainly! An anal retentive jerk? Possibly.
I’ve never worried to much about people who call me names, simply because if all they do is call names it’s because they’re pretty impotent to start with!
I mean, think about it. I’m still a member of the NRA, still own and carry firearms for my families protection, still speak my mind when and where I wish! I do all these things even though the name callers want to stop me, take my property and silence me. Why be polite to them when they’re trying to hurt me and my family?
They say that they only want “common sense” solutions to problems that are out there, but they propose nothing that will work, nothing that has worked, and they resort to name calling when you debunk their ideas.
Is it being an a**hole to call a liar…a liar? Then I’m guilty.
Is it tastless and tacky to make fun of someone who trys to make us unsafe? I’m guilty of that too! Hey, it’s a better fate than what they deserve!
If I’m thought to be tasteless and tacky you can each be aware that I will attempt to live up to that each time I come across someone who proposes “common sense” solutions that make no sense. When I catch you telling me it’s raining when someone is really pi**ing down my leg…well, get ready to be called a liar!