thank you for your advice Upchuckie Shcumerbag, now take it and SHOVE IT!
—–Original Message—–
>From Neal Knox
Subject: Schumer’s Advice For NRA
May 29 Neal Knox Report — I hope that you’re enjoying
your Memorial Day weekend — and remembering the sacrifices
of those who provided and protected the rights we enjoy, and
strive to preserve.
That great friend of gunowners, Sen. Charles Schumer
has given NRA some advise. He says in yesterday’s
Washington Post that NRA should follow the example set by
the alchol industry, noting that Mothers Against Drunk
Driving changed the climate so the booze industry began
advertising against drinking and driving, and drinking by
juveniles. NRA should do the same, he says.
The difference, Sen. Chuck, is that MADD went against
drunk drivers, not cars. They demanded and got severe
punishment for unreformed drunks like the one who almost
killed my wife some years ago. Not only was he drunk, he
was driving without a license because of previous drunk
driving offenses.
I was mad at him, not the maker of the borrowed car he
drove, or the manufacturer of the booze he drank.
MADD did not demand prohibition of SUV’s or sports
cars, nor did they call for manufacturers to fit every
vehicle with Breathalyzer tubes so they wouldn’t start if
the driver had been
Yet Schumer says guns should have come with trigger
locks as “a standard, non-optional part of a gun.” Even if
there are no kids in the home. Even if it would double the
price of a gun.
Chuckie didn’t say a word about prosecuting those who
misuse guns — as MADD advocated for those who misuse cars
and booze.
Thanks for your advice, Senator, you can keep it.