Rosie: I’m no hypocrite

March 1st, 2012

Folks, if you didn’t dislike Rosie O’Donnell before, just wait until you
read what she’s saying now…

Original at:

> Rosie: I’m no hypocrite
> TV talk host angry over disclosure of armed bodyguards
> by Jon E. Dougherty
> An angry Rosie O’Donnell blamed the media and gun
> industry supporters for releasing information that her
> bodyguard had applied for a concealed weapons permit at
> the Greenwich, Conn., police department so he could better
> protect her children.
> Daytime TV talk host O’Donnell — an outspoken gun
> control advocate — yesterday denied charges during an
> appearance on NBC’s Today Show that she was a
> hypocrite for preferring that bodyguards for herself and her
> children be armed.
> She blamed the Greenwich police for covertly releasing the information to the press in
> order to paint her as a charlatan. She also said she was upset that reporters “informed the
> world” that her security personnel were unarmed, suggesting the revelation raised the risks
> to her family.
> “[My bodyguard] has the right as a person who’s residing in Connecticut a lot of the time
> due to his work with me to request to carry a gun. … He’s an individual and he works for a
> security firm,” O’Donnell told Today host Katie Couric.
> O’Donnell also suggested that gun rights organizations like the National Rifle Association
> were partly responsible for spreading the word about the gun permit application,
> suggesting it was a politically motivated action and, in part, an attempt to find out whether
> or not her bodyguard was carrying an unlicensed firearm.
> “I hate to disappoint the gun lobby, but it would have been a big feather in their cap had
> they found an unlicensed, unregistered gun on the bodyguard of one of America’s most
> vocal gun-control advocates,” she told Couric.
> She also avoided a direct question from Couric as to whether her bodyguard would now
> have to carry a gun because of all the publicity.
> “I think that my family’s security will be discussed with the people who are hired to ensure
> that they are in fact safe, and we’ll have to make a decision as a family based on that,” she
> said.
> The daytime talk host for Warner Brothers television said she has armed guards that patrol
> outside her home, but does not allow armed guards inside her house. She added that she
> doesn’t own a gun or allow any guns inside, citing government studies that allegedly show
> an increase in gun accidents when firearms are kept inside the home.
> O’Donnell also said during the Today show that she has no problem with guns and gun
> owners, provided the guns are properly stored and gun owners themselves are licensed. In
> fact, she advocates gun owners be licensed “like [automobile] drivers are licensed.”
> She said she isn’t trying to take guns away from law-abiding people, but suggested the
> courts may someday do that.
> “The Second Amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to be regarding a
> well-regulated militia — that the Second Amendment refers to a well-regulated militia — the
> Supreme Court has continually upheld this. And it never, ever was interpreted that the
> Second Amendment meant individual’s right to bear arms,” she said Thursday.
> In reality, the overwhelming weight of scholarly opinion, as well as virtually all the
> pronouncements of the actual writers of the Constitution, support the opposite view — that
> the Second Amendment, like the rest of the Bill of Rights, confirms the individual rights of
> American citizens. The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791.
> Meanwhile, in the current issue of National Review, O’Donnell said her impetus for
> advocating strict gun control is a passion for children, and she said groups like the NRA
> don’t care for all kids.
> “The only life that is important to them is white, Republican life,” she told the magazine.
> O’Donnell has said because of her vocal support of gun control, she and her family have
> been threatened — and that security experts advised her to hire a bodyguard for her three
> kids.

Rosie… don’t you think your bodyguard should be put into JAIL???
If not… then where’s MY bodyguard?

I’ll tell you where – it’s ME.