Anti-Gun Control Rap
I found this on
Thought it was a little “new and different.” Might be of interest. Also (unrelated to text below) I found a delightful website, The site “promotes” crime. It gives some wonderful “essays” on how current laws are “assisting” them in their efforts. Also a VERY good text on how to milk consumers w/credit cards/revolving debt. Although the article is tongue in cheek (I hope), were I a professor, I’d consider using it in beginning finance courses. Anyway, here’s the Libertarian news clip:
Anti-gun control rap CD released
There’s a new rap album out with an unusual message: That gun control is racist.
In fact, a song with that title is one of the 13 songs on “Racism Exposed,” up-and-coming hip-hop artist Shoanna Z’s debut album, which is being marketed by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO). Other tracks include “The Bill of Rights,” “Communist Coddlers,” and “Liberal Hollywood Hypocrites.”
“If the kids are going to listen to rap, why not make it pro-Second Amendment?” asked JPFO Executive Director Aaron Zelman, when JPFO began selling the CD in late March. “The titles alone are dynamite, and the lyrics bury the hatchet into political correctness.”
Most of the songs deal with the impact gun control has on African-Americans, and on issues like the failings of inner-city public schools and how government programs hurt the poor.
“This new CD gives us a chance to transmit a message to young people that they don’t get elsewhere on the music scene,” said Zelman. “Instead of talking violence, degradation, and disrespect, Shoanna Z’s music pounds out a pro-liberty message.”
The CD, which comes with booklets about gun control racism and the Bill of Rights, is available from JPFO for $17.95 (postage included). To order, call 1-800-869-1884 or visit