Who’s The Extremist Now?

March 1st, 2012

Last night while finally coming in for a landing about 11:30p.m. I seen this article in the Guns &
Ammo- August issue- I think it may interest some of you-

Shari LeGate, executive dorector of the Women’s Shooting SPorts Foundation in Colorado Springs, contacted the Colorado coordinator of the anti-gun Million Mom March which was scheduled for last Mother’s Day and orchestrated by a close friend of Bill & Hillary Clinton. Why not incorporate Project Homesafe into the MMM? Project Homesafe is a program which provides free gun locks to cities. The free gun safety locks would be handed out at the march.
Kathleen Hopkins, the state coordinator, thought this was a good idea which fit perfectly into the “gun safety” message of the MMM. LeGate then flew to Washington to talk with the head MMM people and was promptly handed her head. No, they said, they did not want free gun safety locks. No, they did not want Project Homesafe involved. No, they did not want any imput from anyone who is associated with shooting. Ms. LeGate, it should be noted, was on the U.S shooting team for years as a top competitor in the demanding game of international trap.
Not content to turn down the offer, the leaders of the MMM then fired Ms. Hopkins, the woman who encouraged the idea of giving away locks.
Now that’s a “man bites dog” story that couldn’t be ignored, even by a media that favors restricting gun rights.

There is more to the article , it is or should be on the newstands now, if you are interested. Didn’t want to take up to much space here.
Country Bumpkin- now who’s for sensible and who’s not, but then I guess we always knew that sensible wasn’t really what they wanted anyway!