Rosie O’Donut-butt is still complaining about the local Police searching her security guard. Apparently they found him sitting in his car outside of a nursery school that O’Donut-butt sends her adopted child to:
>>>The Greenwich police department approached him, on private property, and demanded to search him and his car, without a search warrant, looking for a gun. There was no gun.
This search was politically motivated and totally unwarranted.<<<
You know what? If I find a guy sitting in a car outside of a nursery school I’m going to ask a few questions too! If the cops have info that someone is in possesssion of a firearm illegally then they don’t need a warrent, but that doesn’t bother Rosie…You’d think that with all the school shootings that the gun-haters are screaming about they’d be happy to see this going on, but good old Rosie has to scream about it! The local cops might PREVENT a shooting and SAVE a life or two, and she can’t have that!!!!
She goes on to say that she doesn’t want to take guns away from anyone, but then carefully explains to us that we have no right to have one…Kind of like a 200lbs used car salesman!
Of course I still haven’t figured out how she can be the “queen of nice” and be responsible for so many deaths…