More antgun nonsense

March 1st, 2012


Here we go with another silly-assed attempt to take guns out of the hands of
law-abiding citizens.

It’s called the “First Monday 2000″ campaign. Its organizers, the Alliance
for Justice, hope to capitalize on the gun control support created by the
Million Myrmidon March. They want to inspire students from law, nursing,
social work, and medical schools to organize events for October 2, which is
when the Supreme Court begins its next term. The Alliance wants to put
together rallies, town hall meetings, and door-to-door campaigns nationwide
— all in an effort to gut the Second Amendment.

They’re joined by your typical assemblage of emotional, unthinking liberal
groups like the Physicians for Social Responsibility, the National Education
Association, Handgun Control Inc., and American Bar Association, and the
American Academy of Pediatrics.

Janet Reno and HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo both spoke at a meeting yesterday
that was designed to recruit some of the interns working summer jobs at
Washington, D.C.’s advocacy groups, law firms, and government offices. Reno
said that America is still one of the most violent nations in the world. Gun
control, naturally, is the answer.

According to The Cato Institute’s David Lampo, studies of crime rates within
Europe show no correlation between access to guns and crime. In Israel and
Switzerland, where citizens can obtain guns with ease, homicide rates are
very, very low.

So Janet Reno’s peddling the usual Clinton gun control hooey and these
idealistic young people are lapping it up.

Remember — as the Supreme Court has ruled — government has no obligation
to protect you against criminals. Why, then, is government trying to deny you
the most effective means of protecting yourself?

You should fear a government that fears citizens with guns.