Moretown Elementary School Bans From School Walls The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution
Moretown Elementary School Bans From School Walls
The Declaration of Independence,
U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights
In what can only be described as PC stupidity taken to the greatest degree
the Wednesday, July 19th issue of The Times Argus carried as it’s lead
story and article about four documents not being allowed to be posted
on the walls of the Moretown Elementary School. The four documents
were framed copies of “the Ten Commandments, Declaration of
Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.”
Now, some could well argue that the Ten Commandments are religious
in nature and might be an imposition of religious beliefs on students in a
public school. But, to not allow the Declaration of Independence,
and the Bill of Rights to be posted on the wall in a Vermont Elementary School
shows exactly how far out of kilter is the PC thinking of some public
Principle Roberta Barone was quoted, and these are direct and exact lifts of
quote from The Times Argus “The last four are great documents, but …” and
“They … require a context for learning,” she said. “I don’t have any
problem with
them being up on the wall, but I don’t want to be giving more than lip
service to the
Declaration of Independence.”
That is an exact extraction from The Times Argus. Principal Barone is quoted
as not wanting to give more than lip service to the Declaration of
Do you wonder why there were newspaper articles published around July 4th,
about 80 percent of the upper level class students, in the top 55 colleges
and universities in this country, FAILING a high school civics test?
The majority of the article is focused on the exclusion of the Ten
Commandments and in 1980, the U.S. Supreme ruled it was unconstitutional to
post the Ten Commandments in public schools, but by silly PC extension, the
Declaration of Rights, Constitution and the Bill of Rights are now also
prohibited materials in the Moretown Elementary School. Moretown is about 15
miles northwest of Montpelier.
You can read the entire article on the Web at