Here is an article out of the Washington Times regarding the discussion
earlier about Donna Dees Thomases who organized the MMM march.
March organizer Donna Dees Thomases took a temporary leave from her
corporate post at CBS, where she once worked as Dan Rather’s publicist.
She is the sister-in-law of Susan Thomases, a close friend of the
Clinton family. According to the Washington Times, Dees-Thomases was the
one who arranged for Hillary Clinton to appear on the CBS David
Letterman Show. Hillary was a featured participant at the rally,
marching against guns while her heavily armed Secret Service detail
stood guard.
The partisan nature of the march was revealed by the groups Internet
website which awarded President Clinton its “Mom’s Apple Pie Award” and
denounced congressional GOP leader Rep. Tom Delay as a “dunce.”
Organizers say they want trigger locks on all guns, but march organizers
fired a woman who wanted to distribute free child safety gun locks
during the event. Organizers said they fired her because she was
“linked” to a gun manufacturer. At the same time, however, organizers
welcomed participation by Tamarla Owens, the mother of the six year old
Michigan boy accused of killing a classmate with a stolen gun he found
lying around accessible in his home.
International currency speculator George Soros, whose billions
bankrolled dozens of left-wing extremist causes, provided the group with
$200,000 seed money, and is a contributor to the campaign of left-wing
2nd Amendment opponent Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY. Soros is also a
contributor to Al Gore’s presidential campaign.
The announced goal of the march was to pass federal gun licensing and
registration legislation, precisely the same proposals offered by
candidate Gore in his race for the White House.
Strategy meetings for the march were held under Bill Clinton’s auspices,
right in the White House.
“We worked with them,” said Clinton spokesman Joe Lockhart.