Remarks By The Honorable Neil Turner, MP, Queensland Australia
ladybug , did you get to go to this?
The Honorable Neil Turner, MP, Queensland, Australia, was the guest
speaker at the August 10, 2000, meeting of the Pikes Peak Firearms
Coalition. He spoke on the gun control laws that had been enacted in
Australia as a result of a madman’s attack in Port Arthur. During the
debate, Neil went to the floor of the Queensland Parliament, where he
was the Speaker, and made an impassioned speech opposing the proposed
law. A copy of his remarks is now on the Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition
Web site at under Alerts! or Past Meetings. As you read
his remarks, substitute “Columbine” for “Port Arthur” and “America” for
“Australia” and I think you will see where we in America may be headed
if we don’t wake up!
Bernie Herpin
Program Director, PPFC
Colorado Springs, CO
Yahoo Messenger: bherpin_work, bherpin_home, bherpin_laptop
“You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a
reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go around repeating
the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for
independence.” — CHARLES A. BEARD, American historian