This falls under the heading of “Some People Never Learn”
Wounded intruder sentenced to prison
By SCOTT NORTH Herald Writer
For reasons that he still can’t explain, Roger Lee Rindy showed up at a stranger’s Silver Lake-area condominium Nov. 17, his hands, face and feet painted white, and screaming he was there to “serve God.”
Rindy burst through a sliding glass door, saying he wanted to die.
That nearly happened, when the home’s occupant wound up shooting him six times with a handgun.
A Snohomish County judge on Tuesday said he has empathy for Rindy, 51, of Seattle, but he thinks Rindy belongs locked up for as long as the law allows.
This is the second time in Rindy’s life that he has been shot after invading a dwelling, gripped by some sort of mental disability that experts seem unable to explain, Judge Richard Thorpe said.
Both incidents were thwarted because somebody in the home had access to a firearm, Thorpe said.
“God only knows if the next time … there will be somebody there to protect themselves,” he said.
Full text of the story can be found at