We != the People

March 1st, 2012

Having watched the Democratic Covention, and their leaders speech, I can now understand why the NRA, Right to Life, Christian Coalition and other “lobbyist” groups for the right exist. Simply put: The left thinks that we are not people.

It occurred to me in the Al Gore’s speech of contradiction that there are people in America that are not people. If you were toked on No Doze, last night, and watched the speech that demonstrates the vision and direction Gore will take them, you might have seen what I mean. Gore is “for the people, and not the powerful”. Gore will “fight for working families, not corporate interests”. Has anyone noticed the inherent flaw in his theme besides me?

<dramatic pause>

The corporations are made up of people. Even the rich have working families. Yet, he vowed to fight against those very “people”.

Despite the reader’s view on abortion, I hold it to be murder. Gore is for the mother, and not the child. The child is not a “people”, apparently. I wonder if he catches the conflict of not being for the powerful, and yet, is against the utterly helpless in the womb. “I support a woman’s right to choose”, he said. He supports, in that case, the powerful. He does not support a woman’s right to life, if she is a baby. See, he does not call a baby a life, only a hypothetical life.

In fact, it was quite clear that when he said he was for “all the people”, he really meant “all the people who agree with him”. Everyone else is not a people. This explains much regarding the current views on “we the people”.

It makes me understand, finally, after all this rhetoric, why the left can read the 2nd ammendment and read “the right of the state” or “the right of the militia” into “the right of the people. Simply put, we are not people. How else can you take a the militia, who is a subset of the people, and make them the whole, the people? Your right to bear arms extends only as far as your service in the Militia. After that, you are not a people anymore. If you assert your 2A right, you are quickly reminded that you are not a people. If you further resist, you are more than not the “people”, but are monstrous.

Makes sense, right? After all, do not the statists (read, liberals) really hold to the idea that government is not of, by, or from the people, but of, by, or from itself? Government has the inherent right to govern, rather than being given permission to govern. You have a representational government because they say they represent you. And, if you disagree with them, they make the tautological conclusion that you are not one of them, and therefore, not a people. I guess that means that “we the people” is “we the government”. And, we must only be people when they say so.

In keeping with the tradition, this year, we need to remind the government from where it draws its power, and remind them that they answer to us. I guess, you could say, its time that the people have spoken.