Citizens Of America NEWS AND UPDATE 8/18/00 final
—–Original Message—–
From: Brian Puckett [mailto:[email protected]]
Ladies and Gentlemen:
COA is running a NATIONAL PRO-GUN MEDIA CAMPAIGN that reaches ALL Americans, not just gun owners.
With elections approaching, we need to get the PRO-GUN message out to ALL Americans. LEARN more, SEE and HEAR our ads at
COA is funded solely by your donations — which we are constantly SPENDING.
Everything COA has done in the last eleven months (read this update, past updates, and see our station play list at ) — has been done on less than FIVE MONTHS’ WORTH of NRA executive vice-president Wayne LaPierre’s reported PERSONAL salary.
COA needs your CONTINUED SUPPORT. If you wish to more clearly understand the political effect we can have, finish reading this update and then read “What Good Are COA Ads?”:
**** The number of radio stations on which COA has broadcast ads topped 300 in June. Number of states in which our radio ads have run is 43. (If you include internet-connected stations, they have run worldwide). Our goal for the next 6 months is to run COA ads in the top 25 cities of the U.S.
**** COA pro-gun rights PRINT ADS ( ) will run in upcoming issues of METRO, a popular weekly tabloid distributed in the San Jose/Silicon Valley/SF Bay area of California. Thanks again to COA coordinator and super-RKBA activist Michael Pelletier and friends. They put their money where their beliefs are.
**** COA print ads have run in Pittsburgh’s CITY PAPER, a popular weekly tabloid, thanks to the
dedicated activists at COA-Western PA. These activists, all WOMEN, also ran their first COA
radio ad on the nationally-syndicated Jim Quinn’s WARROOM on 97 FM WRRK on August 1, and have arranged for 15-second COA radio ads to be played as free public service announcements on WRRK and sister station WLTJ 92.9 Light FM. Special thanks to Marlene and son.
**** The Pittsburgh area activists mentioned above (COA – Western PA) are initiating an extensive pro-gun billboard campaign in their area. Pennsylvania has a huge hunter population who usually either don’t vote or vote Democrat out of labor union habit. Help us fund the billboard campaign in this critical electoral state — donate to COA.
**** COA ads will CONTINUE to run on the radio and in local publications in the Mora, PA area, as they have during the last several weeks. Special thanks to Mark Anderson.
**** COA ads will run during the next weeks along a 180 mile stretch of California coastline centered on Santa Barbara, California. This is an affluent, fairly liberal, politically active region that also contains a substantial student population that we MUST reach. Help us continue this effort to reach the hearts and minds of Californians who have only heard anti-gun propaganda.
**** COA Ads are now running as PSA’s in San Antonio / Kerrville area of Texas thanks to the valuable contribution of airtime from KRNH “The Ranch” station manager Mark Grubbs.
**** COA ads will CONTINUE to run in the Santa Cruz area of California on station KSCO. This is another affluent and politically active region. Thanks to the continuing support from Carl L. and friends.
**** will be running running COA’s video-backed radio ads as public service announcements. If you aren’t familiar with this interesting and amusing site, give it a click. Thank you, Barry.
**** Remember all of the above are NEW runs of our ads. The ads continue to run on other stations ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY. But we can’t continue without your help. Help us grow in size and influence — donate to COA by credit card, e-Gold, PayPal — scroll to the bottom of our homepage to see how: or checks sent to Citizens Of America, 2118 Wilshire Blvd. #447, Santa Monica, CA 90403.
**** NEW SERVICE: For the latest gun-related news around the web, click on NEWS/Editorial tab, then click “Newslinks to other websites”. And support — it is THE site for RKBA resources, news, action items, and the latest and hottest info and opinion articles concerning gun rights. Go to:
**** COA Founders Face CA Dept. Of Justice Hirelings: Read “The Professional Face of Evil: A Verbal Confrontation with California DOJ Lackeys” at: (again, cut and paste the URL if it’s “broken”)
**** ACTION ITEM: To counter the National Education Association’s anti-firearm, anti-self-defense petition to Congress and the president, publisher Walter Mueller has initiated an opposing pro-Second Amendment PATRIOT PETITION. COA urges you to take a moment to get more information on this petition — and then sign it — at this website:
**** We’re looking for someone to get radio station information in Atlanta, GA or to otherwise act as a COA coordinator in that area. The job fundamentally entails helping us pick the best stations on which to run ads in that area. Helping raise funds from local gunowners is another function, but this is only as hard or time-consuming as you decide to make it.
**** MARCH FOR LIBERTY. The second year of the March for Liberty is a GO! The National Park Service has provided a public gathering permit (dated: 02/22/00 #00-0460) for a PRO-Constitution rally supported by American patriots from across America. This event is scheduled for Saturday, October 7, 2000 to be held at the Lincoln Memorial at the steps (reflecting pool) from 9AM-6PM. Many speakers will attend. Check it out at:
*** Furious with current NRA management for SUPPORTING — yes, SUPPORTING — the gun laws we’ve worked so hard to prevent being passed? You’re not alone. Here’s another reason to be furious: ttp:// (cut and past the URL into your browser if it’s “broken”).
COA’s board of directors supports the NRA organization (we’re all members or past members), loves its membership, but cannot abide the sellout of our rights by the current management. A change at the top — electing true Second Amendment believers — is absolutely necessary. Want to understand the issue more clearly? Read these two items in order:
NRA divides gun rights groups:
Anti-Project Exile statement:
**** And if you’re sick of AOL, here’s another reason to dump them. Several gun dealers have had their firearm-related websites removed without warning from AOL’s system and received an email saying that their website “violates Hometown AOL’s Community Standards, which prohibits sexually explicit graphics , links to other sites which Hometown deems offensive, harassment, the use of vulgar or sexually oriented language, discussion of illegal activities, and/or other activities that may impair the enjoyment of our community’s members.”
**** VOTER REGISTRATION INFO FOR YOUR AREA: If you don’t vote, don’t complain about losing your rights, a site that has voter registration forms right there that can be printed out. At the bottom of that first page, you can click on your state and get all the instructions, deadline for registering, etc.
**** Remember: You and your friends and neighbors can raise funds to run COA radio or print ads in your locale right NOW. Read how at:
**** Regarding the political value of COA ads, please re-read this page which has some new and vitally important points added to it:
**** Second Amendment Sisters is a pro-self defense organization for women. Visit their site at: and SUPPORT them.
**** You can see where we’ve run ads in the 11 months since COA was created by going to:
Bob Stewart / Maadi-Griffin case:
Support Bob Stewart. He’s a patriot and deserves your support.
“What do I think about the people pushing for gun bans? They are the enemy of my freedom, my flag, my rights and my country. I am prepared to fight them. And I am not alone, I can assure you of that.” Jim Houck, armed American, Co-founder and Creative Director, Citizens of America
To support COA by credit card, e-Gold, or PayPal, go to our homepage at and scroll to the bottom.
Or send checks to:
Citizens Of America, Inc.
2118 Wilshire Blvd. #447
Santa Monica CA 90403
COA is a California non-profit public benefit corporation. Donations to COA are NOT tax-deductable.
* * * Citizens Of America * * *
COA is running a NATIONAL PRO-GUN media campaign.
Learn more at