Bill Of RIGHTS in French
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America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
August 18, 2000
ALERT: The Bill of Rights in French
France gave America the Statue of Liberty, a stirring symbol
of human freedom. JPFO is returning the favor by bringing the
statutes of liberty, our precious Bill of Rights, to the world
in the French language.
If you have contacts or interests in France, Canada or any other
part of the French-speaking world, please use this copy of the
Bill of Rights in French to transmit to them this vital document
of freedom. French is a highly influential tongue in the world of
international law, especially in matters of human rights. We urge
supporters to place this translation of the Bill of Rights in
francophone publications and websites worldwide.
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin spoke French fluently and
shared ideas of liberty during the long stays in Paris. We wish
we could ask them to verify the accuracy of our French translation
of the Bill of Rights. Several French-speaking supporters have
affirmed that ours is accurate, but if you detect any errors or
other problems with the translation, please contact our webmaster.
Hundreds of millions of people speak and read French. Let us get
the Bill of Rights into their hands, hearts and minds — today!
The Bill of Rights translated into French is found on the JPFO
website at URL
The Liberty Crew
This Alert archived at
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