And this would be……..
> (WASHINGTON, D.C.) “The prospective choice of U.S. Senator Joseph
> Lieberman (D-CT) as a running mate demonstrates Vice-President Gore’s
> determination to protect Americans from unnecessary gun violence.
Hmmmm question.
Ms. Brady what do you call “unnecessary gun violence?”
A woman who shoots a would-be-rapist in a parking garage
at 2 a.m. in the morning as she leaves her late shift at work?
An elderly man who lives alone in a declining neighborhood who
shoots a drug crazed ex-felon out on parole, who is beating him in the act
of robbing the old man’s home?
A couple who run a small store who are confronted by two gang
members brandishing
guns and tell them to “give it up dude, or we’ll blow you away”? The man
then defends their lives and property by drawing a legal handgun and
killing one and wounding the other?
Naaahhhhhh! This is not UNNECESSARY gun violence it’s
called SELF-DEFENSE…thank you very much ! ! !