Firearms Industry Takes New Direction in Election Efforts8/15/00

March 1st, 2012

Firearms Industry Takes New Direction in Election Efforts8/15/00
The firearms industry has launched a new advertising initiative that
highlights the historical role gunmakers have played in the defense of
the nation, according to a July 31 press release from the Hunting and
Shooting Sports Heritage Foundation (HSSHF). The national,
multi-million-dollar advertising campaign features the names of firearms
manufacturers such as Remington, Marlin, Colt, Browning and Winchester.
The ads are funded and administered by the HSSHF.
“This is the largest, most aggressive voter-mobilization effort in our
history,” said Robert Delfay, president and CEO of the HSSHF. “These ads
symbolize our constitutional rights being shredded by the Clinton-Gore
team. We will not stand silent and be blamed for crime by an
administration that refuses to prosecute criminals and by greedy trial
lawyers who use American taxpayer dollars for their own gain.” Delfay
said that responsible firearms manufacturers have “long cooperated with
federal regulatory and law enforcement agencies to prevent illegal
firearms use. We are part of the solution, not the source of the
The advertising campaign was inspired by polls that showed overwhelming
public opposition to government lawsuits against gun manufacturers for
gun crimes committed by individuals, Delfay said. “We are going to
channel this resentment into action at the polls this November,” he