Quite often, as I read through my NRA publications as well as other gun
>magazines I see very well written pro-gun articles. I also think, “I wish
>Bill had read this” or some other friend who is anti-gun or borderline. Too
>often these articles are preaching to the choir. The article was unable to
>change my mind about anything, I was pro-gun before I read it and still
>pro-gun after. We now have several million members, all recieving NRA
>magazines and I usually collect mine. Here’s my idea: What would happen if
>all the members took these magazines with them every time we went to a
>doctors office, dentist, lawyers, office or anyplace that has a waiting room,
>and then forgot to take it with us when we left? Just leave it with the other
>magazines. This will cost our members nothing and requires very little
>effort on a members part. Think of the millions of people who would be
>exposed to the shooters side of things. We can’t seem to get media coverage.
>I’ve been doing this for a couple months now and got a lot of magazines out
>with very little effort on my part.
>Thank You,
>Ernst Vorhauer
>414 Sarah Way
>Suisun, CA 94585