Why can’t a woman be more like a man (Fair Use)

March 1st, 2012

Subject: Why can’t a woman be more like a man

by Diane Alden

Inanity uber alles

Now that the swarm of “I feel, therefore I am” soccer moms and soccer mom wannabes are swooning in droves because of Algore’s and Tipper’s “spontaneous kiss” at the Democratic Convention… now that these sorry female drop-outs from any semblance of rational thought are mooning and bleating about how THE KISS “sealed their commitment” to vote for Algore, because it showed “he’s a genuine person and therefore good for the country” (these are paraphrased quotes from some bird-brained females who were reacting THE KISS as if it were some kind of Democratic Rodin moment which signified ultimate wisdom in all things political, and treating this crass and sorry PDA as if it actually provided any kind of evidence that Algore is “good for the country” – here’s an article which is like a breath of fresh air… and written by a woman, yet.

Delectable excerpt: “Once upon a time the women’s song of choice was Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman Hear Me Roar.” After the Democratic convention the
song should have been changed to “I Am Victim Hear Me Whine.” Could there have been any more victims paraded before the cameras? Victims were showcased
in a manner befitting the boats returning to New York with the survivors of the Titanic. “

Maybe I won’t have to get the sex change operation after all…I’ll just hang with women like Diane Alden.

Come to think of it, I already do. I’m honored to know some pretty high-powered, clear-thinking, brilliant women across the nation who have steel-trap minds, a fabulous sense of both irony and humor, impeccable integrity and are, to boot, variously cute, gorgeous, elegant and uniformly feminine, as well as being totally fabulous in thought, word, deed and looks.

As a matter of fact, one of these fabulous friends, Barbara, reminded me recently that women also “overwhelmingly supported” Hitler and Mussolini. Another woman friend sputtered angrily, “Who are these idiots? Why do we even permit them to vote? Why are we even teaching girls to read and write if they end up like this? “

We are (some) women – see us think rationally. Please.

Meanwhile, should we send these bleating, brainless and breathtakingly banal twerps back to the kitchen to be barefoot and pregnant? Or should we simply
quarantine them in a menstrual hut till their bloody stupid cycle is over?

Ladies, LADIES! Get a clue. Get a life. Get a rational thought.

Or prepared to be dismissed as second class quasi-children who, as the Victorians were wont to intone, needed to be seen but not heard.

Tina Terry



Why can’t a woman think like a man
Diane Alden
August 28, 2000



Diane Alden is a research analyst, writer, historian and
political economist. She writes columns for
NewsMax.com, Etherzone, Enterstageright, American
Partisan and many other online publications. She also does
occasional radio commentaries for Georgia Radio Inc.
Reach her at [email protected] or

Kort E Patterson

