March 1st, 2012

Is Your Doctor A Spy?
Subject: ALERT: Is Your Doctor A Spy?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 14:01:32 -0700
From: JPFO Alerts <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

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America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

Date: May 3, 2000

Is Your Doctor A Spy?

Anti-self defense lobbyists have enlisted family-practice
physicians and pediatricians into collecting firearms ownership
data. Doctors have been receiving literature urging them to ask
their patients a lot of detailed questions about firearms

We received a first-hand report from an ardent JPFO supporter
who recently underwent this very type of probing by his doctor.
During a physical examination in April 2000, as part of
obtaining a “medical history,” the doctor asked the patient:

* Do you have any guns?
* If so, how many guns do you have?
* Where are they located?
* Where do you store the guns?
* How much ammunition do you keep?

This line of questioning presents three dangers. First, the
“public health” argument for victim disarmament has successfully
filtered from the lobbyists down to actual practitioners. Some
doctors actually believe that firearms are dangerous like an
open jar of smallpox bacillus.

Second, patients generally trust their doctors and will submit
to these intrusive questions. Not only that, many patients will
think the questions are proper and justified … because their
doctor asked them. Our JPFO supporter refused to answer most
of these questions — but many other patients will simply comply.

Third, although medical records are supposed to be confidential,
that can all change in a heartbeat. There have been repeated
moves in Congress to mandate a universal medical health system,
or at least a universal medical identification chip. The chip
would contain all of a person’s medical records. In both plans
the patient’s medical data becomes part of a national data base.
When doctors collect firearms ownership data, they are helping
to build a national gun owner identification system. Even now
senior citizens and others using Medicare and Medicaid are
subject to having their medical records reviewed by government

Our JPFO supporter said “no” to this doctor’s intrusive
questioning, and asked why the doctor was asking all of these
questions. The doctor said it was something the American Medical
Association was now pushing. Our JPFO supporter complained to
the hospital whose spokesperson said that the firearms questions
were not hospital policy and that they would investigate the

What you can do:

(1) Tell everyone you know to refuse to answer doctors’ questions
about personal firearms ownership — even if they don’t own a
firearm. Doctors and other health care professionals have no
business asking such questions, period.

(2) If your doctor asks questions about your firearms ownership,
ask why the doctor is asking, and then report the matter as an
invasion of privacy to the hospital.

(3) Encourage doctors to contact and receive information from:

(A) Dr. Edgar Suter, Doctors for Integrity in Policy Research
Article: Guns in the Medical Literature: A Failure of Peer Review

(B) Dr. Timothy Wheeler, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Book: Firearms: A Handbook for Health Professionals.

(C) Dr. Miguel Faria, Association of American Physicians and
Article: Docs, Guns & the CDC
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