Mother tired of Dannon anti-gun rhetoric

March 1st, 2012

Subject: Mother tired of Dannon anti-gun rhetoric

Dear __________:
As a mother of three as well as a professional day care provider, my major function in life has long been to assist in ensuring the health and well being of children. To this end, I purchase and serve (as well as consume!) huge quantities of yogurt, because of it’s high levels of protein and calcium, and other health- enhancing properties.
My brand of choice will no longer be Dannon.

My husband was murdered with a gun. If he had been as well-armed as his
assailants, I would most likely not be a widow and our children would not be half-orphaned. In my opinion, companies such as yours, by assisting in the attempt to disarm potential victims, are as guilty of murder as those who physically pull the triggers.
Not only do I most vehemently object to your attempt to encourage victim disarmament, but either your company is so staggeringly ignorant as to actually believe the Fascist rhetoric spouted by the hoplophobes (people with an irrational hatred or fear of guns), or one must question the motivations of your company.
I, and many others like me, will be mounting a concerted effort to ensure that your company suffers the same fiscal blow as has been dealt to K-Mart and Smith and Wesson by those of us who have not yet been completely mesmerized by lies promulgated as statistics by such as Handgun Control and the MMM. The claim that these efforts serve to “protect kids and their parents” be irresponsible companies such as Dannon is unconscionable. It might interest you to know that I am blind copying this missive to friends and to e-mails lists to which I belong (most of which are not firearms related but whose members have viewpoints similar to my own and who number in the many thousands), and hereby expressly give my permission for this to be reposted by them with all identifiers intact.

Most sincerely,

Olga Jones
Sherwood, OR
Committeewoman, Washington County Precinct 425

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.[Ref. ]


When women are disarmed, a rapist will never hear – Stop or I’ll shoot!
Armed Citizens SAVE Lives!

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a
woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.

“Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum
est” (“A sword is never a killer, it’s a tool in the killer’s hands”)
Lucius Annaeus Seneca “the younger” ca. (4 BC – 65 AD)