White house plans

March 1st, 2012

Sept. 10 Neal Knox Report — White House Chief of Staff John
Podesta sent a clear message this morning that gunowners are going
to have their hands full in the last month of Congress.

A few days ago, the White House said their number one priority
is passing a Federal “hate crimes” law. But this morning Podesta
ticked off a list of things they wanted to do on the 11 unenacted
government funding bills which must be passed by Oct. 1.

The first item on Podesta’s list was “Brady amendment.” He
didn’t say what “Brady amendment” the White House has in mind.
“Hate crimes” was mentioned a half-dozen issues later.

I doubt that it’s a coincidence that “gun control” is so high
on his list when the Justice Department funding bill — the most
likely “vehicle” for a new gun provision — will probably be coming
up this week.

Under Senate Rule 19, which prohibits legislating on an
appropriations bill, and with debate-limiting “cloture” already
invoked, the only way the Justice funding bill can be amended is
with some kind of dollar limitation. But the Senate always has
ways of ignoring their rules when they want to achieve something –
like giving Bill Clinton what he wants to avoid a government
shutdown that Republicans always get blamed for.

Podesta also said, twice, that there are riders on the
spending bills that the White House finds objectionable — and there
are reports that the Republican leadership has agreed to cut pro-gunrights
restrictions like the Goode-Shelby and Hostettler amendments to avoid
a government shutdown “train wreck.”

Whatever is to happen may be decided Tuesday when Congressional
leaders go to the White House.