Car Seller Says Gun Promotion Successful (fair use)

March 1st, 2012

Car Seller Says Gun Promotion Successful


POWELL, Tenn. (Aug. 28) – A Tennessee used car dealer who gave a free rifle
to anyone who bought a car on Saturday says the daylong pro-gun campaign
lifted his sales considerably.

Greg ”Lumpy” Lambert, who normally sells only four to five cars a month,
said he sold three cars on what he called ”Second Amendment Saturday,” — a
reference to the U.S. Constitution’s provision on bearing arms.

”The day has gone fairly well,” Lambert said. ”Approximately 100 to 200
pro-gun rights supporters stopped by.”

Advantage Auto Sales of Powell, Tennessee, offered each car buyer a voucher
redeemable for a used, bolt action rifle at GunCraft Sports in nearby West

All voucher redeemers had to comply with government regulations showing they
are qualified to own a firearm before acquiring the weapon, Lambert said.

Two pro-gun rights groups, the National Rifle Association and Rights
Education Fund, also set up booths at the promotion, he said.

He also gave away 15 to 20 toy water guns to children whose parents came by
the dealership.

Lambert said he was disappointed that no protesters had shown up. ”One thing
I really love about this country is that we can debate and express our
opinion, but still respect each other.”

He said he would ”probably not” make the gun-giveaway promotion an annual
event. ”But I am thinking about giving away Godiva chocolates and teddy
bears on Valentine’s Day,” he said.