Support VT JR Competition Team

March 1st, 2012

—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, September 21, 2000 11:26 AM
Subject: Support Vermont Junior Competition Team

>Folks: Please circulate this info in your own circles, support the kids!
>Can we even
>begin to imagine the Politically Correct nonsense they are being subjected to
>Support the future of the shooting sports
>Please come to our “Friends of NRA Fundraiser”
>To support the
>Burlington Rifle & Pistol Club Junior Competition Team
>When? October 5th, 2000 at 6:00PM
>Where? Clarion Hotel & Conference Center (Ramada Inn) Williston Rd, So. Burl.
>Dinner only $25.00
>Sponsor ticket, includes dinner, a nice print, hat and pin. $200.00 (we
>need you dig)
>We also have raffle tickets for the “Gun of the year”
>A Browning semi auto shotgun. “Browning Gold” chambered in 3″
> One ticket for one dollar.
> Seven tickets for five dollars.
> Fifteen tickets for ten dollars.
>Event consists of
> Social Hour
> Dinner
> Silent and live auctions
> Games and raffles
>Get your tickets from
>BJ’s Guns and AMMO
>Williston VT.