“Shooting Down 60 Myths Of Guns and Gun owners

March 1st, 2012

Sonny Heninger has just published a very thorough and excellent book called,
“Shooting Down 60 Myths about Guns and Gun Owners”. He expertly and
systematically destroys all the arguments anti-gun activists use for taking
away gun owner’s rights. This is a very informative and well-written book.

We are honored at A Critical Mass Publisher to have the opportunity to
publish this fine book and put it before a world-wide audience. Would you
help Sonny with the same cause you are fighting for by adding a link on your
site to A Critical Mass so your visitors can find this book? The URL is:


We would be happy to include a reciprocal link to your site if you would

Thank you and keep up the good work,

Frank Roeske

Frank Roeske, President 4334 Cornell Way
A Critical Mass Publisher Livermore, CA 9450
http://www.acriticalmass.com/ email: [email protected]