Hypocritical liberals

March 1st, 2012

To show how hypocritical our liberal enemies are, two weeks ago the local news (?) paper was ranting about KMOV TV (the St. Louis local affiliate to CBS) refusing to run a deceitful HCI ad about George Bush and Texas ccw.

The St. Louis Post Dispatch had an editorial whining about KMOV TV channel 4 not running the ad because the CEO is in Dallas Tx. and a friend of Bush. The editorial went on to say the station should allow opposing views, this was censorship, blah, blah, wah, wah. Then they urged the people to write, call, and not watch channel 4 because of their “biased” actions. The Post even admitted the ad was misleading, but KMOV should have aired it anyway because they are a media outlet.

I then read where the St. Louis chapter of MMM came down on AT&T cable (St. Louis’ ONLY cable carrier) about an NRA infomercial. They got AT&T to pull the infomercial and appologize, then contacted GRTV based in California who also said they would pull the infomercial. By the way, the Post didn’t mention this one.

Why is it censorship for a single TV station not to run an ad they believe to be misleading, but it’s alright for the cable company to ban a PAID advertisement from all channels in the cable system.

The Post said if KMOV TV refused to run the lying HCI ad, they should also not run casino ads, weight loss ads, etc.

Unfortunately, our media outlets are all liberal controled, even KMOV TV. That is how they manipulated public opinion on Proposition-B, our referendum vote on ccw last year, which barely failed. Any anti-gun politician or cause will get millions of dollars worth of free exposure from them. And unless we don’t want to read a newspaper or watch tv, we have to sift through the garbage and pay them for our tv and papers.

I responded by the only means at hand and cancelled my AT&T long distance service and went with Life Line who donates a portion of your long distance payment to an organization of your choice. Mine is the ACLJ who fights with the ACLU.
I have urged all my aquaintences to cancell AT&T long distance also. I urge any of you to do the same.

We have to edfeat the anti-gun politicians and let them know why. We have to boycot anti-gun businesses, when we have a choice, and let them know why. and we have to stand up for our convictions, and let them know why.

