Gen Schwarztkopf’s Statement

March 1st, 2012

General Norman Schwarzkopf’s Statement
Monday, Nov. 20, 2000
Statement by retired General Norman Schwarzkopf regarding the denied overseas
absentee ballots:
It is a very sad day in our country when the men and women of the armed
forces are serving abroad and facing danger on a daily basis in places like
Bosnia, Kosovo or on ships like the USS George Washington, yet because of
some technicality out of their control they are denied the right to vote for
the President of the United States, who will be their commander in chief.

These men and women do not have the luxury of getting in their cars and going
to the post office to mail their ballots. They must depend upon a system that
takes their ballot directly from their front-line positions on a circuitous
route to the ballot box.

At the same time, because of other perceptions of irregularity other ballots
that have already been counted twice and are now being counted a third time.
For the sake of fairness alone these armed forces ballots should be allowed
to be tallied.