Brady Law Needs repeal, Not Tougher Enforcement
Dec 2000
Brady Law Needs Repeal, Not Tougher Enforcement
For Immediate Release
Further Information:
John Velleco 703-321-8585
December 1, 2000
In response to President Clinton’s call yesterday for tougher enforcement of
the Brady law, Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America
issued the following statement:
“The Brady law has been a failure, not for lack of enforcement, but because
gun control laws don’t work.
“Jens Ludwig demolished the notion that Brady has had any impact on violent
crime when his study was published in August by the Journal of the American
Medical Association.
“England has a nearly total gun ban and has found that its violent crime rate
is now higher than that of the United States. Their police estimate that some
3,000,000 illegal guns are in the country. The Manchester media have
relabeled their city ‘Gunchester.’
“The Brady law is only useful for building a registration list of the
law-abiding who buy guns. Such lists have no use in fighting crime, only
identifying who owns guns when politicians decide to ban guns. Criminals get
their guns no matter what the law.
“The Brady law should be repealed and prohibitions on concealed carry should
be next on the list of bad laws to get rid of. Also needing repeal are
gun-free zone laws which only make it safer for criminals. All of England is
an officially gun-free zone, and we can now see that that approach only leads
to misery, not to safety.”
– GOA –