we succeeded in “straightening out” the SWC

March 1st, 2012


Many thanks.

I think what happened was this. The Digital Hate 2001 page that is on
Geoff’s page is the one that I first saw on the internet, when I first
started e-mailing you and the other people the Wiesenthal Center had
wrongly maligned. When we got active, they first removed the link from
their site, and then, after I jumped on Rick Eaton, he took the page off
the server (or at least, had it removed). I am reasonably sure that
there was another, earlier version of Digital Hate 2001 that was not released because of the squawk we raised.

It appears to me that we forestalled the issuing of another year’s worth
of bad research, and the Wiesenthal Center should
A) apologize to all of us who were wrongly accused and
B) thank us for keeping their research above board.

If they go through another round of having innocent people mislabeled,
it makes them look like a bunch of clowns–which may not be far from the
truth anyway.