Alec Baldwin, the ex-US citizen and “B” movie actor
A recent PEOPLE magazine article qouted Alec Baldwins mom, saying that she figured that Alec or Billy Baldwin would be elected President and she’d be the next Rose Kennedy.
Now that is a truly scary thought! A nut like Baldwin in the White House or the even the Senate? (shudder!)I keep hoping the scumbag will leave the country like he promised he would but obviously his word isn’t worth much (come to think of it-that trait does qualify him for the Demo-rat party!).
Anyway, I’m sure most of the people on this board have already boycotted this fool but I thought I’d remind everyone. I, for one, don’t go to see any movie or even rent a video if it has this idiot in it! I bought “Hunt for Red October” before I knew what trash he is and I regret it, although Sean Connery is pretty good in it.