warriors and weapons

March 1st, 2012

Warriors and Weapons
by David A. Yeagley
FrontPageMagazine.com | January 26, 2001
URL: http://www.frontpagemag.com/columnists/yeagley/2001/dy01-26-01p.htm

A YEAR AGO, I had a religious experience. No, I didn’t speak in tongues.
didn’t see an apparition of Mary. And even though I’m Comanche Indian, I
didn’t commune with my ancestors or hear the eagles talk.

All I did was watch a TV infomercial produced by the National Rifle
Association (NRA).

There I was, sitting in my easy chair, eating chicken soup and watching
television. Suddenly, I saw an immense pile of guns, thousands of them,
bulldozed into a metal crusher.

The narrator explained. These weapons had been confiscated from
citizens, and were being destroyed. The government had first required
people to register their firearms, and promised that no confiscation
ever occur. Then the government broke its promise.
According to the voice-over, this happened in Australia, England, and
The United States was next in line. On the screen appeared distraught
owners, one after another. “They said they would never do this, but they
it! Don’t let this happen to you!” they warned Americans.

We Comanches don?t usually admit to being scared. But I was terrified.I
had a
sense that I was losing America (and, as an Indian, it wouldn?t be the

I guess I?d always known, in the back of my mind, that there were people
there trying to take our guns. But those faces on TV drove the point
like nothing else had. They were the faces of a people betrayed.

Long ago, the government took away the Indian’s weapons and put him on
reservations. That is history. Indians know all about broken promises.

But why would the White Man betray himself? Why would the U.S.
take the weapons away from its own good citizens?

They say they?re trying to stop crime. But the more gun laws they pass,
more crime we get. A hundred years ago, we didn?t have gun laws and we
didn?t have much crime either.

In his book, More Guns, Less Crime, Yale Law School economist John Lott
that, across the United States, over an 18-year period, “states
the greatest reductions in crime are also the ones with the fastest
percentages of gun ownership.”

So why does the government keep pushing gun control?

The warrior in me knows. He who takes my bow is not my friend. He who
away my ability to defend myself is my enemy.

If the government takes our guns, it?s not because they are trying to
us. It?s because they are trying to control us.

Since my “religious experience” of watching that documentary, I?ve found
myself wondering why Indians have not played a bigger role in the gun

Weapons are an integral part of our culture. In Indian country, it?s
for granted that everyone shoots and hunts. Perhaps the use of arms is
fundamental to us that we don?t even think of it as a right that can be

Recently, I visited Indian friends of the Salish-Kootenay Reservation in
Montana. It was a few days before a funeral. Extra food was needed for
mourners. “I’ve got to go get a deer,” my friend Terry said, as simply
most Americans would say “I’ve got to go to the store.”

Among Indians, the weapon is a symbol of honor. In Comanche tradition,
young man grew up with the bow. Its mastery was a test of manhood. The
relationship of man and weapon was intimate and lifelong.

Every Comanche learned to fight and hunt. If you weren?t waging war, you
preparing for war. It was the duty of every member of the tribe to be
just in case.

In modern America, women seem to have turned against their own men over
gun issue, judging by the polls and the Million Mom March.

Indian women have a different mindset. It was the women who taught
boys how to use their weapons. Long before anyone ever heard of Xena the
Warrior Princess, a woman called the “adiva,” or governess ran the
training camps.

Americans nowadays seem to be forgetting what it means to be a warrior.
don?t value preparedness. They think the government will always be there
defend them from enemies and criminals.

But that?s not the Indian way. That?s not the way of a man.

I?m glad the NRA is out there spreading this message. It has earned this
Indian?s blessing for helping to keep the warrior spirit alive.

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E-mail Dr. David A. Yeagley:

Dr. David A. Yeagley teaches humanities and psychology at Oklahoma State
University, Oklahoma City. His opinions are independent. He holds
from Yale, Emory, Oberlin, University of Arizona and University of
He is a member of the Comanche Tribe, Lawton, OK. E-mail him at (*********)

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